Job satisfaction is important for both employees and the company. Learning more about job satisfaction around the world can help you find the perfect fit for your open positions or realign your goals if you're running a company


Companies with high employee satisfaction outperform companies with low employee satisfaction by 202%


65% of US employees are satisfied with their jobs


20% of US employees are passionate about their work


60% of employees believe that their colleagues contribute the most to their happiness at work


45% of Generation Y (millennials) are completely satisfied with their current job/career


74% of US employees say company culture is one of the most important factors contributing to job satisfaction


58% of employees in Japan are dissatisfied with their jobs


57% of employees who work from home are satisfied with their jobs


81% of employees in the legal industry find their jobs boring and unsatisfactory

Using our platform, you can monitor and manage the level of engagement and job satisfaction of your team
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